Friday, December 27, 2019

Gun Laws Have Changed - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2155 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Did you like this example? While gun laws have changed repeatedly throughout the years, the safety of the United States citizens has continued to be in danger ever since guns have been allowed in the United States, in 1619. When we take a step back and look at the history of gun control, it began with the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment provides U.S. citizens the right to bear arms. Ratified in December 1791, the amendment says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Second Amendment was proposed by James Madison to give power to State Militias otherwise known as todays National Guard. It was a good way to compromise federalists and anti-federalists. Having just used guns and other arms to ward off the English, the amendment was originally created to give citizens the opportunity to fight back against a tyrannical federal government. Americans often disagree about the meaning and or the interpretation of the amendment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Laws Have Changed" essay for you Create order Some people believe the amendment means it provides for collective rights, while others find that that it provides individual rights. Those who take the collective side think the amendment gives each state the right to maintain and train formal militia units that can provide protection against an oppressive federal government. They argue the well regulated militia clause clearly means the right to bear arms should only be given to these organized groups. They believe this allows for only those in the official militia to carry guns legally, and say the federal government cannot abolish state militias. Some people believe, to protect themselves in the face of danger, the amendment gives every citizen the right to own guns, without any federal regulations. It is thought that the amendment militia clause was never meant to restrict each citizens rights to bear arms. Gun Law proposals face a major uphill battle in Congress for many reasons. For one, leadership in both chambers must support it. For any debate to seriously take place in Congress, it must first have the blessing of the top two Republican leaders:. For example, during the time of the Florida shooting in 2018, the leaders were Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and the House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. They essentially control floor action and decide which bills get votes. But so far, they have yet to signal how theyll address this issue. The Democratic party doesnt have as much control over action on the Senate floor and the House, although they will be major factors in just how unified their party will be on the issue, as long as they stay together. Democrats have the loudest voice on being pro-gun control, but not all members of the party in Congress want to address it. Some, for example, are from states or districts where gun control is not so popular, and that Trump won by far. The Senate is also required to have 60 votes to pass most Legislation. For almost all legislation to advance in the Senate, it must first acquire support from 60 senators on a key procedural vote before moving on to final passage, which only requires a majority. Such a rule is designed to make sure bills have at least some bipartisan support. Although, the 60-vote threshold has thrown off major legislative efforts in the past. For example, soon after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, the Congress made a major proposal on a gun control-related package in 2013. The bill was to expand background checks on gun purchases only, and it managed to get only 54 votes, despite some bipartisan support. The current balance of power stands at 51 Republicans to 49 Democrats (or independents who caucus with Democrats). That means that even if all Democrats supported a gun control measure, they would need 11 Republicans to hit that magic number of 60. In recent years, the National Rifle Association, or the NRA, has consistently objected to gun law changes. They argue that any further restrictions would restrict Second Amendment rights and lead to more gun violence. While the NRA has been supportive of the Cornyn-Murphy bill that better enforces existing laws, it opposes raising the age requirement for rifles and shotguns. Instead, the NRA calls for a better mental health system and more security at places like schools to address mass shootings. I said five years ago, after that horrible tragedy in Newtown and I wish, oh God I wish, more had heeded my words so, lean in, listen to me now and never forget these words: To stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a good guy with a gun, said Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president and CEO at the NRA. The NRA even donates some money directly to campaign committees and candidates. But they spend the vast majority of their money on outside expenditures and lobbying, like making powerful ads that could either support or oppose candidates. For example, in the 2016 election, they gave nearly $1.1 million directly to party committees and congressional candidates. While that seems like alot, they also spent $54.4 million on outside spending. The NRA also has influence on people with their report card system. The NRA grades candidates on a scale of A F, with an A candidate being someone whos made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment, while an F candidate is a true enemy of gun owners rights. While more liberal candidates freely tout their F rating, some are happy to announce their support from the NRA. Overall, the NRA is very big on making sure that their wide membership knows where candidates stand on gun rights. When it comes to the people purchasing firearms, some people fear people with violent pasts, or mental disabilities will be able to get their hands on one. The opposing argument to this, would be background checks but unfortunately, background checks are not as reliable as people sell them to be. In order to own a gun, you are required to have a background check. These laws are crucial to keeping guns away from abusers, felons, and other people who may be prone to violence. However, these laws vary by state, regarding categories of prohibited people. Because of this, a dangerous person could be denied a gun in one state, and could buy one in another. This is one of the weak spots in federal and state attempts to prevent gun violence. Due to Federal Law, people who fall within the categories of domestic abusers, specific kinds of mental health histories, and or convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing a firearm. Expanding state laws to cover these categories of individuals would close a glaring gap in federal law that makes it easier for guns to fall into the wrong hands. A 2012 study of the 13 states with the most lenient firearm possession laws found that almost a third of incarcerated gun offenders were not prohibited from buying the crime gun † but would have been prohibited if their states had adopted stricter standards similar to those in place in a number of other states.7 In the 13 states with lenient gun laws, nothing prevented these firearm offenders from legally purchasing their guns. Federal law does not generally include other types of people identified by public health researchers as being at a significantly higher risk than the general population of being dangerous, including: Those who have been convicted of violent or gun-related misdemeanors Those with a history of abusing alcohol or drugs Those convicted of juvenile offenses Additional people who have suffered from severe mental illness Background checks are a way to control the flow of guns in the United States. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 handles these checks. When background checks were first required, they took several days. Buyers had to wait five days between applying for a gun purchase and completing the purchase, otherwise known as the cool off period. In November 1998, the FBI unveiled the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Using this electronic system, federally licensed dealers can perform an instant background check on anyone trying to purchase a firearm. The dealer completes a document called a Firearms Transaction Record. It includes information about the buyer and the gun. The dealer submits this document to NICS, which informs the dealer of the buyers status within minutes. After this is completed, the dealer can receive one of three responses. They can receive proceed, denied, or delayed. If given proceed, the buyer is given access to complete their transaction. If the buyer is given denied, that means the background check turned up with information, and this is typically a criminal record. This legally prevents the buyer from purchasing the firearm, and the transaction is stopped. If the buyer receives delayed, that means the background check turned up with information, but not necessarily a criminal record, but information that could possibly prevent the buyer from legally purchasing a firearm. Although, due to the fact that the information is incomplete, further investigation is required. This gives NIC official three days to notify the dealer with a denial or approval. If within three days, the dealer does not hear from the NIC officials, the buyer can complete their sale. This is clearly a loophole in the system, and where many firearms can fall into the hands of ineligible buyers. Since the NICS began, it has stopped more than seven hundred thousand gun sales to people who couldnt legally buy a gun. Supporters say this number shows that background checks slow the flow of guns to people who shouldnt have guns. Meanwhile, opponents of background checks argue that theyre only partly effective. They dont prevent straw purchase- a transaction in which one person buys a firearm on another persons behalf- and they dont apply to transactions between individuals. Sometimes background checks prevent the wrong people from buying firearms. A person who has the same name as a convicted felon, for example, may encounter difficulties. The information in the NICS database is entered manually. If someone enters data incorrectly, a dangerous criminal may slip through the cracks, or a dealer may wrongly deny a law-abiding citizen gun purchase. Some people also argue that background checks are an invasion of privacy. They say that Background checks have more flaws than than benefits. There are just as many requirements, if not more, to be eligible to sell a firearm. Some of the requirements to receive a license to sell firearms are you must be at least 21 years of age and you must have not violated the Gun Control Acts or any of its regulations. These are only few of many. Applicants also must guarantee that the business is not prohibited by State or local law in the place where the licensed premises is located. The business must comply with the requirements of State and local law applicable to the conduct of the business within 30 days after the application is approved. While its obvious that the United States government has tried to continuously work to change gun laws to protect the United States citizens, ending gun violence all together is nearly impossible. While gun laws have changed repeatedly throughout the years, the safety of the United States citizens has continued to be in danger ever since guns have been allowed in the United States, in 1619. ?What we can do is to look at gun sales through the lens of social economics, explains John Wasik Forbes Magazine. He then called for the establishment of market-based risk pricing, saying, Lets agree that guns as weapons are inherently dangerous to society and owners should bear the risk and true social costs. This would mean that both owners and sellers of guns would be required to purchase liability insurance according to relative risk, whereby people who are more at risk for directly or indirectly causing gun violence would pay more for their insurance than people unlikely to cause this violence. Ideally, high-risk households would have to pay more and take more safety measures, so at-risk people wouldnt have easy access to them. Responsible buyers would pay lower premiums for taking gun safety classes, and using gun locks and safes. These premiums would be used to cover the costs associated with gun violence, giving relief to people injured in shootings and to the families of victims. This proves that there are people in our society that are willing to give their different ideas to stop gun violence. Since the twentieth century, there have been over twenty gun massacres in California alone. There have been over two hundred gun massacres in the United States. Because of this, citizens have a reason to fight for gun control, and a reason to stand up for their safety. There are ways we can alter gun rights without restricting the Second Amendment, we just have to use our voices and come together to find a better solution.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Battle Of The Peloponnesian War - 1031 Words

What a society considers fighting, and dying, for says a lot about that society. Homer’s The Iliad, and Thucydides’ The History of the Peloponnesian War are both centered on some of the largest wars that their authors knew about. In the case of The Iliad, this war started when Paris offended the honor of the Spartan king, Menelaus, by taking Helen, the king’s wife. This is just an example of the culture of the times because, right from the start, the Greeks of Homer fight for their honor. Thucydides lived during the Peloponnesian War, hundreds of years after Homer. During those hundreds of years, war itself had fundamentally changed. In The History of the Peloponnesian War, honor was still important, but the war’s main purpose was much more tangible. The main cause of the Peloponnesian War was Athens’ desire for more land, more tribute states, and, most importantly, more power. Both of the works deal largely with why the people in them think the war s are worth fighting. In the case of The Iliad, the battles, both for the states and the people fighting, are fought for honor, while in The History of the Peloponnesian War, Athens fights for the power of her empire. In Homer’s work, the Trojan War is fought not for conquest or wealth but for the honor of the Spartan king Menelaus after he had his wife taken by Paris of Troy. In the eyes of the Greeks, this was a slight on his honor worthy of war. Early on in the work, Helen despairs at being the cause of the war. She lamentsShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Peloponnesian War1494 Words   |  6 PagesThe Peloponnesian War finally ended in 405 BC, when the Athenians stopped to gather fresh water and supplies, leaving themselves vulnerable to the Spartans. The Athenians did a poor job of keeping an eye out for enemy ships, which is an important strategy during war. The Corinthians and Spartans suddenly attacked the Athenians and almost defeated Athens’ entire fleet. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Important Places and Settings in Of Mice and Men Essay Example For Students

Important Places and Settings in Of Mice and Men Essay Steinbeck uses place within the novel deliberately to expose a microcosm in the macrocosm of society, the wishes to emphasise themes of racism, murder segregation and the American Dream and uses his depiction of place and setting to do so. The first location depicted by Steinbeck at the beginning of the novella is the Pool like setting. It is initially described as a beautiful place; this is reinforced by the adjectives â€Å"yellow† and â€Å"twinkling†. The adjective yellow, although doesn’t seem very important within the description of the first paragraph, is commonly associated with happiness, furthermore the brilliance of the adjective â€Å"twinkling† suggest that something is very rich and sparkly. However, the pool like area is described in such a way that it sounds faultless; the reader may begin to think that it is too good to be true. The writer may have done this purposely as a way of foreshadowing, creating an ominous undertone which could be indicative of a theme further on in the novella. We will write a custom essay on Important Places and Settings in Of Mice and Men specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Additionally, the quotation â€Å"tracks of deer come to drink in the dark† adds to how safe the pool like area is, however this safety may not last that long foreboding the death of Lennie. One pivotal location represented by Steinbeck for the first time within chapter 2 is the Bunk house. When he first introduces the reader to it, he states that the Bunkhouse is a long rectangular building and inside, the walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted. The adjective rectangular gives the impression of the Bunk house being simple, bland and boring, this is further reinforced by how simple and terrible the lives of the workers within the Bunk house are, even though it is aimed to show comfort within the Ranch and a place where they can rest. Furthermore, the adjectives whitewashed and unpainted suggest that the interior of the bunkhouse is like life on the ranch, it’s plain and simple, essentially very boring, and yet it contains workers. This also symbolises how the workers are treated like tools, uncared for in practical housing. There are many more quotations to reinforce how meagre the lives of the workers are such as â€Å"nailed an apple box with an opening to make 2 shelves for the personal belongings of the occupant of the bunk. Suggests how even personal belongings is kept within a dusty old apple box. This further reinforces how their personal belongings, something they should cherish and hold on to isnt cherished at all and is placed within an apple box. This related to how the migrant workers are placed within a Bunk house which has very poor and bad conditions. One very essential location illustrated by Steinbeck at the beginning of Chapter 4 is Crooks room. Crooks is an old crooked black man who is hated by most of the Ranch workers, he lives on his own in a harness room; a little shed that leaned of the wall of the barn. Steinbeck initially describes they room as being little, this implies that it like prison that he is trapped inside and cannot escape it. Steinbeck repeats the adjective little throughout chapter 4 to reinforce the idea of a prison; here are some quotations little shed, little bench. The idea of a prison is further developed by the use of simple shapes such as square to enhance the idea of his room being simple, bland and potentially dull. This is backed up by the quotation â€Å"square four-paned window. The quotations broken harness and broken haem suggests that although he has more possessions than he can carry on his back most of them are broken; this could be potentially anger of being isolated from all the other workers on the Ranch. The repetition of words such as several and accumulating further reinforces that he contains a lot of possessions even more than the other Ranch workers, he also posses more privacy because he lives on his own, however Crooks prefers to have company than to become isolated from the other men on the Ranch. .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .postImageUrl , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:hover , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:visited , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:active { border:0!important; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:active , .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2 .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u18eb49777a0962e2547b78b16a4e49c2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How To Write An Essay On The Canterbury Tales Explaining Each StoryThe verbs harness and hame are both objects used to care for animals, this illuminates that he wants as much company he can get (even from animals), however for black people ( in the 1930s) that was very hard. There are many more quotations that support the idea of him caring or his animals, such as spilt collar, horsehair stuffing and trace chain. One extremely essential place represented by Steinbeck within chapter 5, is the Barn. He originally describes it as â€Å"great†; this reinforces the idea of it being large and grandeur in contrast with the poor conditions of the Bunk house. Although Steinbeck utilizes the adjective â€Å"great† to imply large and possibly wealthy building as farming has become more urbanised, this is where Curley’s wife dies. Steinbeck deploys the onomatopoeic verbs â€Å"humming† and â€Å"buzzing† to represent a calm atmosphere within the Barn compared to the atmosphere outside where the men are â€Å"jeering† and â€Å"laughing†. Furthermore, the verbs â€Å"hung† and â€Å"suspended† idealizes the theme of murder; the four Jackson fork suspended from its pulley†. This may forbade the death of Curley’s wife. Throughout the first page of chapter 5 there is a constant use of anaphora; Lennie sat, Lennie looked. Steinbeck may employ the foreboding of something tragic towards the end of the novella. After the death of Curley’s wife a pigeon flew inside and flew in circles and then flew outside. This could suggest that the pigeon is following the trail of hope as it leaves the Barn. This foreshadows that the American dream may not be achievable or that all hope of escaping this meagre way of living.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Los Angeles Politics Essay Research Paper Glen free essay sample

Los Angeles Politics Essay, Research Paper Glen Gemeniano 1/28/00 POLI 1A Options to Belmont Sites Have Problems of their ain The site for new Belmont still hasn # 8217 ; t been found. The School territory has been groping with two proposed options by interim superintendent Ruben Cortines and CEO Howard Miller severally suggest utilizing high-rise office suites and open 4 new schools rapidly. These options have been met with assorted emotion from both sides of the conflict. Those for the Belmont undertaking to go on are in favour of utilizing the former embassador hotel in the mid-Wiltshire territory, because 10 old ages ago the school board had chosen this site for the high school but was met by Donald Trump # 8217 ; s Legal Team. Upon repossessing the site after foreclosure the dialogues with such outstanding figures such as Magic Johnson who owns many Cinemas in the country to unite his film composite with a in-between school. The conservancy group is expected to barricade the razing of the hotel claiming it is a historical site mentioning that it is the topographic point of the Kennedy Assignation and many Oscar darks. We will write a custom essay sample on Los Angeles Politics Essay Research Paper Glen or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page School Board Member Caprice Young wants Johnson and the acquaintance to look at the demand of the kids. I personally don # 8217 ; t think that kids no affair how appealing would in long run want the distraction of a movie theatre ruining their education. The reason many people have so many differing opinions is because if we were just another state this wouldn’t be an issue but a time for action. A time to step forward and take the blame for being to focused on keeping appearances that we abused our children. â€Å"It’s time they started thinking about kids†, Young said. The city is the movie Mecca of the world and has a lot of land at it’s disposal but because it wants to make the place a visitor attracting place doesn’t want to sacrifice a hotel to fit the needs. I think this plain wrong on the part of the school board. I remember reading about how the state can take over a site because it was to be made use for a federal project such as highway which many people use to go to and from work. If we don’t see the value of an education than it is true what other states do say about us, that we are mor e into our looks that to do what is right. The Hollywood facade of this city has been around much to long and is due to change and no physically but mentally. A face lift of this sort would cause a rift in our society but if there noone to stand up for the rights of the children then those buildings that the conservancy wants to keep as historic landmarks would be all for not.