Saturday, February 22, 2020

How is the Enlightenment connected to the Scientific Revolution Essay

How is the Enlightenment connected to the Scientific Revolution - Essay Example People thought the globe was the midpoint of the cosmos (Bacon 1960). That meant that the moon, planets, and the sun revolved around the earth. Europeans used ideas based on the physical world while Romans and Greeks believed in the Bible. However, attitudes changed in the mid 1500. A spirit of curiosity gave rise to a scientific revolution (Burns 2003). Scholars were willing to question old ideas and the level of focus was improved with much observation. Europeans were leading in the exploration leading to discovery of new lands and the establishment of universities. Francis Bacon, an English writer, assisted in fostering this approach. He urged scientists to base their opinions on what they could see in the world (Bacon 1960). R. Descartes used mathematics and logic to exert his immense influence. In the mid 1600, Isaac Newton established the law of gravity. He used mathematics to show the law of gravity controlled the motion of the planets and objects on earth (Burns 2003). Paris became the European cultural center in 1700 (Oslar 2000) where people from the entire Europe gathered to new ideas about enlightenment. Marie Therese became popular for hosting and funding ideas on enlightenment. According to the letters by Isaac Newton, religion and uniqueness were necessary for innovation. In the letters, Newton said that the discovery came as a result of patient thought. The letters contained significant propositions but were imperfect in some parts. According to Isaac Newton, no matter how matter was scattered, it would be infinitely attracted towards the center (Hankins 1985). This meant that at the center there would have a particle that is attracted to all other particles at equal measure (Goodman 1973). This became known as a state of perfect equilibrium. According to the observations of the great instauration by Francis Bacon, human intellect is responsible for its own challenges and difficulties (Oslar 2000). Therefore, man should use the help at his dispo sal to address the difficulties that he faces. This exposed the levels of ignorance and the damage it causes to the quality of life. He argued that through human efforts and determination life can be restored to the perfect condition or reduced to better condition that it is now (Burns 2003). Mathematics and philosophy grew so rapidly that the two had to be separated (Sax 2001). The impact is still being felt today. Scientist came to know that observing and explaining would help them in discovering the natural laws. The scientific method became increasingly prominent (Portar 2001). The discovering had an impact on education in all levels. As more people trained in science and physics, technology advanced and new technologies were discovered. Enlightenment had unprecedented impact in the quality of life (Goodman 1973). Complicated farm machinery and textile industry were discovered causing scientific and the industrial revolution (Sax 2001). Scientific revolution sought a break from a religious and theological approach to life (Hankins 1985). In medieval times, society was largely governed by church views and traditions which discouraged open-mindedness (Oslar 2000). Enlightenment was a movement that challenged people to think and make independent decisions. Newton, Descartes and Priestly played a significant role in the discovery of sextants slide rule and

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Evidence base practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evidence base practice - Essay Example However, in some cases, the wrong prescription may not only make the patient fail to recover from the ailment, it may also lead to a further worsening of the ailment. Determination of the methods of prescriptions is usually significant in the application of treatment strategies aimed at treating mental problems. The treatment of the patient from the ailments is usually highly dependent on the treatment strategies that are employed by the medical practitioner. The medical practitioner therefore needs to clearly understand the effectiveness of the treatment strategies so as to know which strategies to apply in order to lead to the effective and quick recovery of the patients. Moreover, the medical practitioner needs to explicitly understand the different dimensions of the issue that he or she is trying to treat in order to device the treatment strategies effectively. A clear understanding of the dimensions would also help the medical practitioner, to effectively comprehend what the pat ient is going through. Thus, by putting himself or herself in the position of the patient, he or she can apply his medical concepts to achieve excellent results in the application of his treatment strategies. The application of the above practices by medical practitioners and other relevant parties is well defined by what is known as evidence based practice. Evidence based practice Evidence based practice can be simply defined as the use of certain treatment strategies preferentially based on research findings to help solve certain problems, mostly psychological, which the society may be faced with (Gowing, p.27). The use of the treatment strategies is usually backed with statistical evidence of the success of the treatment strategies on different people. Evidence base practice is usually applied in various fields, which include medicine, criminology, psychology and marriage and family therapy. Evidence based practice is a practice which has developed only recently and is necessitat ed by the failure of some of strategies, which are considered effective in helping to treat various psychological and mental conditions in the society. By using the evidence-based practice, the medical practitioners can apply the strategies, which have been proven most effective in their application for the treatments. The strategies used by the medical practitioners do not necessarily have to be the same; they usually vary from one individual to the other. This is because different medical practitioners have their own methods of dealing with different ailments to achieve the desired results. This medical concept is widely acknowledged by many medical practitioners and bodies that deal with medicine as an effective strategy in the treatment of people who suffer from various mental disorders. Evidence based practice in domestic violence Domestic violence is among the most common forms of problems, which psychologists and marriage counselors are usually faced with. Different countries usually have programs to help in treatment of problems, especially on people who have been convicted of the offence. The success of these programs is usually very low as their administration usually disregards the research evidence on the important strategies that the programs must use. The strategies to employ are mainly dependent on the causative factors of domestic violence. Evidence based practice can effectively be used to determine the causes of domestic viol