Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Educational needs of children

Question: Discuss about the Educational needs of children. Answer: The Catholic Social Thought principles promote dignity and offers guidance on how to deal with the daily social issues. These principles are advocated with a view to analyze the social, political and economical influences and issues and aim to create a society that is fair and equal (Massaro, 2015). It encompasses seven principles in the Catholic Social Thought Teaching. Among the seven principles, the Life and Dignity of Human Person, Rights and Responsibilities and Care for Gods Creation are the principles related to Jake and Cooper story (Mel, 2015). Jake and Copper are 11 year old twins with autism who were deprived of schooling and development due to the disabilities. The special schools for children with behavioral disorders offer them education, however, the children are let down by the education systems and as a result they face serious shortfalls in continuing their education (Harrison, 2014). The schooling options are constrained for the children with disabilities and in th e meanwhile, the children lose valuable years of their education and development (Ballard, 2016). Even, if there are special schools for children, they have to suffer during their admission in the high schools. The parents also feel worried about their children as they think that they do not fit in the society. The children with disabilities require special care and support from the people around them (Riddell Watson, 2014). The Kilberry Valley Primary School by Victorian Department of Education and Training is a remarkable approach in which the children with disabilities and Jake and Cooper were benefitted by going to this school. The Catholic Social Thought Principles are associated with Jake and Copper. The principles describes the childrens future is in the hands of their parents or caregivers who would provide them a life of dignity, reason to live and optimism (Manning et al., 2015). The children with disabilities face social isolation and in the course of doing so, their inn ocent childhood is lost in deprivation and stigmatization. The life should have some hope with which a person would fight against all kinds of odds and struggles and finds an ultimate meaning of their living. The children are the biggest hope for a future generation and when their basic education and development is disrupted, the upcoming generations cannot survive happily. The children with disabilities require ample of support and help from their parents and caregivers so that they do not feel deprived and live their life with dignity like every other child (McConnell, Savage Breitkreuz, 2014). The story of educating Jake and Cooper is very inspirational and the main theme is related to the principles of Catholic Social Thought. The principles like Life and Dignity of Human Person, Rights and Responsibilities and Care for Gods Creation are related to Jake and Cooper story. The principle of Life and Dignity of Human Person proclaims that every life is sacred and dignity of a person is the foundation of a positive moral society (Yuen, 2014). It is the basic principle that defines the rest six principles. It is the responsibility of a nation and its people to protect the life and dignity of a person. Every human life is precious and people hold more importance than materialistic things. God has created the universe and every person is equal in his image. Similarly, Jake and Cooper, the autistic twins have every right to live their life with full dignity and acquire the basic educational rights. The children require special care and attention from the people around them and eve ry Samaritan should honor their life and contribute to their special needs (Groody, 2013). They have equal rights and access to every facility that a child of their age should have and they have equal rights to education. The principle of Rights and Responsibilities is also related to the life of Jake and Cooper. According to this principle, human rights needs to be protected and then only a healthy community could be established (Gehrig, 2015). It is the duty of every person to protect the dignity of other person and meet their responsibilities. In the same way, Jake and Cooper have every right to live their life with dignity and respect. They have equal rights to life and a fundamental right to education. Being autistic does not mean that they should be deprived of basic education. They have right to education and should not be subjected to social isolation. They have full right to those things that are required for their overall physical, mental and psychosocial well being. It is a persons prime duty to protect the rights of the disabled children like Jake and Cooper. The principle Care for Gods Creation explains that we must care for each and every thing created by God (Sison, Ferrero Guitin, 2016). It is the duty of every person to protect every human life and have faith in every Gods creation. There is a requirement for humans to care for the Gods creation and think that it belongs to the Lord (Dal Toso et al., 2015). It is not only protecting the environment but also caring for the other person. Jake and Cooper are also Gods creation and so depriving them is ultimately disrespecting Gods creation. The society has a responsibility towards these children in educating them and providing them support for their development and well being. The Catholic Social Thought describes that humans are social creatures. We are not created to live in isolation as we are communal creatures. We cannot survive alone and live in isolation. Therefore, a persons true meaning of life is the relationships they maintain in order to live in the society. The human dignity is understood in terms of relationships made with the society. Society precedes humans and living in society is a definition of how we are considered as relational beings (Thompson, 2015). The community plays an important role in shaping our personality and people profess their trust and faith by celebrating among the mass (Seidman, 2016). Jake and Coopers are disabled twin who were deprived of their education and basic development. The shortfall in their education as they were deprived of schooling showed that the childrens life is encompassed by the society and its behavior towards them. The social isolation suffered by the twins showed that their life is affected by the way the society behaved with them. Their life is greatly hampered by this isolation and also hampers their physical, emotional and mental well being. In CST, the common good, human flourishing, Golden Rule and Ubuntu are some of the principles that explain that humans are encompassed by community and they realize their rights and responsibilities in context to the community. The political, social and economical aspects directly influence human dignity and capacity of individuals to grow in the society. The common good in Catholic Social Teaching says that people are subjected to the welfare of the society and it is their prime responsibility (Tablan, 2015). The human flourishing is rooted in the principle of common good. The right to equal distribution of resources and opportunities and ensuring the basic needs of people define human flourishing. The quality of relationships humans create help them to flourish and in the course of doing so need each other. Ubuntu is an African word that defines that an individual is the direct reflection of the people around him and the relationships he make (Sison, 2016). The twins have every right to education and have equal opportunities that are required for their development. The law of reciprocity or Golden rule defines that a person should treat others as one wishes to treat oneself (Etzioni, 2014). The children should be treated in the same way as people wish others to treat them. The twins should be treated as other normal children and help them in seeking their basic rights to life and education. Therefore, the Catholic Social Thoughts comprises of themes that help people to lead a life with dignity while living in harmony with the community as a whole. References Ballard, K. (2016). Children and disability: Special or included.Waikato Journal of Education,10(1). Dal Toso, G., Pompey, H., Gehrig, R., DoleÃ… ¾el, J. (2015).Church Caritas Ministry in the Perspective of Caritas-Theology and Catholic Social Teaching. Univerzita Palackho v Olomouci. Etzioni, A. (2014). Communitarianism revisited.Journal of Political Ideologies,19(3), 241-260. 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